Welcome to the Band!


Congratulations, You're a Band Parent!

Our Goal as a board: 
To create a feeling of family, a band family. Your children are entering high school with an instant supportive group of both adults and fellow band members. As a booster group we aim to support the band program and band members, educate and help our fellow parents navigate the band program and to create a bridge from middle school to high school band. 

What can I expect?
Now that you're a band parent you'll be busy, but it's a great busy. You may spend Friday nights under lights of Joe Debly Stadium proudly watching The Marching Pride lead the Pit Crew and entertaining the crowd at half time while they cheer on the PHS Football team. In the fall you might find yourself standing on a street corner, camera in hand, anxiously awaiting the band marching down the street or maybe marching with the band in your official PHS Crew tee and squirting water into the mouths of thirsty marchers. Come winter you may be checking out the CSU Warriors Basketball teams while The Marching Pride entertains the crowd. You might chaperone trips, volunteer at the 4th of July booth, serve out food at various fundraisers, and of course attend a lot of performances by our band! You'll become familiar with a lot of new band lingo, drills and formations, and pep songs...simply stated the life of a band parent is a rewarding and many times a priceless experience. 

How Much will it cost?Being part of the Band is a rewarding experience but there are costs that go along with this experience.  We will be providing individual fundraising opportunities for your student to help offset some of these costs throughout the year (please visit our Fundraising page for more information to come.)  Optional trips vary in cost and there is a small entrance fee for our concerts to cover the cost of the venue and fund our Band Scholarship program.  Mandatory uniform costs include: All Band and Guard students:

  • Band T-shirt ($15)
  • Marching Shoes ($36)
  • Uniform Cleaning Fee for the Band only ($15)

In addition, students in the Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble will need concert attire:

  • Dress ($65)
  • Tuxedo Package* ($115)

*Individual tuxedo items that are lost or damaged can be purchased separately.

Becoming a Booster Member

We encourage you to join the Booster Organization to help support The Marching Pride.  Membership is $10 per person and provides not only voting rites in the organization but also benefits throughout the year. 

We are your resource
We look forward meeting you and are here to help you and answer any questions you may have.  We remember how lost and overwhelmed we felt when we were the parents of freshmen band students.  We had a thousand questions.  We have tried to pack as much information as possible into this website to make a it useful resource for you.  

Welcome to Band!  We are so happy you're here.  
~ The Marching Pride Band Boosters